My Banking


A major financial services company reached us in the fall of 2018, they want to explore a future way of financial management and point reward system.

I worked as a researcher and designer on this VR mock up project to create a better user experience for banking and credit card usage scenario.

Our main question was: How do we make financial managment more intuitive?

We began our process by going through all the user interactions within the current credit card and account management system. We notice that there were roadblocks in letting the users having a seamless and intuitive credit card and banking interactions.

In order to understand the experience form our customer’s perspective, we recruited several credit card users, ranges from college students holding their first credit card, to credit cards super user. We had our participants talk through the experience of managing points rewards, reading monthly bill and paying. We concluded the study by uncovering three main points.

1. Millennials would like to avoid going to a physical bank to avoid wasting time, energy and the long line. They would prefer online interfaces which is secure and private.

2. The current online uses dry diagram, confusing name/code for purchased items, which make it not intuitive to read bill, understanding the points rewards and make budget plans.

3. People want to feel taken care of and living luxury when it comes to points rewards, instead of penny pinching.

We decided VR could be great solutions base on the user research we conducted, especially for millennials customers.

VR banking can save up time and energy going to a physical bank while keep the main functions approachable.
VR space can be private, homey, which makes a better user experience for financial management, which was commonly considered as cold & boring. 3D spaces enable more possibilities for the points reward system.

When in the page in My Bank, it is very easy to see where your money goes.

Tracking your online purchases has never been easier, user will be able to track their online or offline purchased items, delivery date, see warranty, return policy, track package etc.


Forget about the old pie chart.

Move around and see your budget plan in a more demonstrated way. Our My Plan page will give you a more detailed and flexible way to help people move around, and touch their budget plan.


My Goals page will let people keep in track with their reward points that is in track in the system.


Retreat yourself with this sponsored VR trip that our new banking system provide. See how much your credit card rewards point can take you!


VR experience in progress.